Hi guys!

As you all know, there has been a massive change (revolution maybe..?) in the CPA industry recently. Most networks are disallowing the promotion of any modified files are banning people for doing so. However, I think I have found a few ideas to make modified files a legit one. I consulted a few CPA owners regarding my ideas and they all said that it is allowed. So, here it goes -

I will enlist a few ideas which will be applicable to a certain type of niches/files. I believe if you do twist and tweak your brain a bit, you will find a new and better idea for your niche.

1. Legit Generators: As we all know, generators are one of the major type of niche to make profit with. However, the basic of generator is illegal but not the term itself. So, what you need to do is that, we will simply create a pdf file with some valid, legit and genuine methods to generate the niche product. Then simply zip it, upload it and promote it. You can name the file as "blablabla Generator" but it will actually be a pdf and not a .exe/.dmg. This is 100% legal and will most certainly work.

Example: Let's say, if you promote "Diablo III Gold Generator", then create a pdf and compile different methods of obtaining legit golds (through questing, hunting, trading etc) and zip it. Name it "Diablo III Gold Generator.zip" and upload it on your network. Now, simply promote this legit generator. Cool

2. Legit Beta Keys: Pretty sure that beta keys for an upcoming game is a trending niche with huge amount of daily searches. Most people finds beta keys giveaway to be extremely profitable. However, they usually promotes modified keys as in most cases, there is no official beta release. However, there is a indeed a way to make this whole process legit. What you need to do is create a .pdf file and write down some information of the game you are promoting and then add a para with the title "How to obtain beta key for blablabla". Simply put some basic information to contact the game company who are producing/developing the game and don't forget to add that you heard the game company is looking for priate beta testers.. So, they should hurry and contact the developer if they want to join the beta. There you go! You got a legit beta keys giveaway.

Example: If you promote "Battlefield 4 Beta Keys Giveaway" niche then add information related to BF4 and then inform the user to contact EA regarding the beta stuff.

3. Legit Game Card Codes: I have seen numerous video promoting PSN, Xbox Live, Runescape, WoW, Karma, UGC and many other game card codes. Most people usually promotes "used" or "modified " codes which is considered illegal. So, I will tell you how to promote REAL game card codes. What you need to do is that create a pdf and elaborately describe how the user can get a free game card code through different GPT sites. It is best if you make a picture guide. Usually you will need to inform them about Prizerebel or other GPT sites offering a wide range of game card codes. Just share the pdf in either .pdf or .zip format. This method can be used to promote free Amazon Gift Card codes and other gift card codes too.

Example: If you are promoting free Ultimate Game Card codes, then you can create a pdf guiding the user on how to get free codes from Prizerebel and other GPT sites. You should check whether the site you are promoting actually have that card in stock or not. For maximum profit, you can use your referral link too.

There are many more of these ideas to make modified stuff completely legit and genuine. You just need to tweak your brain a little.

Enjoy!! Cool

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