Niche To Get More Than $20 / Day

Hi everyone, i used this method few weeks ago and it's working fine, there is just one problem : It is not autopilot, so you need to "work" every day to win money.

So, for this method, you need :
-1 website host (000webhost for example)
-A picture of Miley Cyrus or another "Biatch star" (don't choose Chuck Norris, not working Wink)
-Any .zip/.rar file on your CPA (sharecash for example)

1)You need to create an HTML file and send it on your website host with filezilla for example.
Open your notepad or notepad++ then copy & paste this code :
PHP Code:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=YOUR_LINK" /> 
2)Replace YOUR_LINK by your file link Wink
3)Save the file as "index.html" or anything else with .html at the end. You have now your own "Url shortener".

When anyone will click on your link, he will be redirected to your CPA file, easy no?

4)So, now, you need to share your link with a lot of people to get your file downloaded. It's quite easy, Go on 4chan and post a new subject "Miley Cyrus ***** (N u d e) pictures !" and in the description paste the link of your website Wink ( because 4chan, and a lot of forums don't allow url shorteners like adfly, adfocus... and if you use one of them, you'll be instant banned Gaytroll .

I really hope you enjoyed.

(To get $20, i had to work around 10-15 minutes, i posted around 5 times ago per day, and if my url shortener was banned from 4chan i just created another website on 000webhost, then upload my webpage...)

I'm sorry if my english is not perfect, it's not my native language Megusta

1 comment:

  1. If you are interested in making cash from your websites by running popunder ads, you should use one of the most established companies - Pop Ads.
