- Find a profitable Adsense niche
- Do indepth keyword research on that niche
- Get high quality content ready
- Make sure you have perfect on page SEO
- Start off page SEO
If you are part of any marketing forums, you will notice people trying to sell you small micro niche sites and will tell you about how much money you can make with them. Believe me when I say that you do not need 10 or 20 of these small sites to make any decent money. If you have one good niche with a solid blog on the subject, that is all you need!
Niche Research
To get into a profitable Adsense niche, you are going to be looking for the following factors.
- The niche has a high CPC (cost per click) for the keywords
- The competition is low
- The niche has many advertisers in Google Adwords
- There are enough searches in Google.
Some of you may have the keyword/niche tools, but I know that a lot do not. To make sure that everyone can follow this guide, I am gong to use the Keyword Planner, which used to be the Google Keyword Tool.
I preferred the old tool, but the Keyword Planner will be good enough for this guide.
When we start looking for a niche, we need to find topics that generally are associated with high CPC.
Below are some topics that generally have a high CPC. Remember though, you should start a site that you have an interest in the topic. If you do not, you can get burned out and all the effort you put in initially will be for nothing. Just make sure you care about the topic and are not just going after it because it has a high CPC.
- Finance
- Legal
- Medical
- Travel
- Web Hosting
- Health
- Security
- Home Care
- Online Degrees
- Security
I am personally interested in Legal and Medical, probably because I may attend law school and my girlfriend wants to be a doctor. Remember, make sure your topic interests you.
I will be starting a case study in the next few weeks following this exact guide to bring a new site to $100 a day. If you want updates to this, please subscribe below.
Once you have selected a broad niche, head on over to http://ubersuggest.org/ or use the scrapebox keyword scraper to do some searches with keywords that are in the broad niche. You are looking for related keywords to the main topic. Save all the keywords that you find using this tool in a notepad list to use later.
The Next Step
- Head over to http://www.dmoz.org/
- Enter in the broad keyword term in the search box
- Click on any category
- You will now see a lot of niches that have some potential within your main term. You are finding a niche within a niche.
- Write down every niche that you have an interest in.
- Head on over to http://dir.yahoo.com/ and do the exact same thing
Once you have your niches noted down, you are going to want to follow one more step to grab some more niches/keywords within your main market term.
- Go to Google and enter in your keyword + forum. “Medical + Forum” as an example.
- Check out any forums that pop up and read through for more ideas of niches.
If you have followed all of the above steps, chances are that you have a lot of niche ideas written down on your notepad or document.
This means that it is time to use the Keyword Planner. Open that bad boy up and paste all the niche ideas you wrote down. Sort them by estimated CPC.
What Are We Looking For?
- Large searches per month
- High CPC
- Not a seasonal keyword. You want there to be searches for the keyword year round
Make sure you put your keywords in brackets [keyword]. This will give you results that are accurate for the searches a month for that keyword.
Go through the list and pick out around 10 keywords that have a high CPC as well as a good amount of searches each and every month. Once you have those keyword chosen, you need to take a look at the competition.
To look at the competition, go to Google and type your keyword phrase in with quotations such as this: “keyword”. Check out how many results are returned. If you see less than 500-800k results returned, then this might be a good keyword to tackle.
Check Out The Top 10
- How many sites on the first page have the exact keyword in their title and URL?
- How old is each site?
- What Page Rank is each site?
- How many backlinks does each site have?
Just as a guide, these are generally good niches to go for:
- 2 sites in the top 10 do not have the exact keyword in their title
- 2 domains are not 2 years old yet
- 3 sites in the top 10 have a page rank under 4
This is just a rule of thumb. You can of course alter this as you see fit, but this is what I like to use.
To check the above metrics, have a look at this free tool: http://www.seoquake.com/
To check out the backlinks, I recommend going with Ahrefs. It is the best backlink checking tool I have used.
My Chosen Keyword
- Has a CPC of $1.28
- Has 110,000 exact searches
- It is not a seasonal keyword
- Competition is a few million in Google
As you can see, I do not always go by the rules above. It has a lot more than 800k searches, but after taking a look at the top 10 sites, I am pretty sure I can beat them, and the amount of searches make it worth it. This is the main keyword I will be using in my case study following this guide.
Quick Tips
When you see in the Keyword Planner that a keyword is “low” competition, this is NOT SEO competition. It means that there are not very many advertisers bidding on that keyword.
You should generally stay away from keywords with low advertising competition because this means that many of your ads will not be related thus affecting your click through rate.
Finally, take a look at http://www.spyfu.com to see just how many advertisers are bidding on your keyword.
Domain and WordPress Theme
When I pick out domain names, I only go for top TLDs such as .com, .org, and .net.
Once you get your domain name picked out buy it and install WordPress on it. Then proceed to pick out a theme that is not cluttered and has a white background with simple black text. You do not want there to be any distracting graphics. Remember, the entire point of this site is to get them to click on Adsense ads, not look at a pretty theme.
$100 A Day Adsense Steps