It can be really frustrating if your blog doesn’t get good traffic. You try to find a hell lot of ways to get traffic for your blog. Today I’m giving you some suggestion on how to Increase your Blog’s Page Rank and get good traffic. So, some you might ask what is a Page Rank? The answer is it is one the method Google uses to determine the importance of a certain webpage. It also depends upon the number of ‘quality’ inbound links you have.
Secret tip-Google Plus is a Do-Follow site, make sure your posts get a good number of “G +1” then your chances of getting a good page rank increases automatically.

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Few Facts about Page Rank
- The Value Link exchange is much lesser than one way links.
- Meta Tags doesn’t increase your Page Rank.
- Search Engine Rank and Page Rank are two different things. Don’t get confused between them.
- Suppose you have multiple outbound links on a same page, it will be counted as only a single outbound link. Remember that.
Now the question is, How to Increase your Page Rank
Here I provide you with “10 awesome tips” which will help you increase your page rank.
Quality Content
Guest Posting
Site Submitting
Commenting On Do-Follow Blogs
Social bookmarking
Secret tip-Google Plus is a Do-Follow site, make sure your posts get a good number of “G +1” then your chances of getting a good page rank increases automatically.
Be Active on Forums

Don’t Use unethical Methods
Use commonly used Keywords
Review Websites
Update Your Site
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How To Increase Your Blog's Pagerank