Start Your WordPress Blog Part : 2

2. How to Pick The Right Domain Name

Tips and Tools to Pick the Best Domain for Your Blog

Picking the right domain name for a blog is an essential step to success. Think of a domain name as a brand to your website, and like any other product, a blog will be really hard to rebrand if you decide to choose another name. Some people underestimate the process of picking the domain, and we urge you to take it seriously and make the right choice. With that in mind, pick what you think is the best using the tips and tools we provide in this article.

What to Consider While Picking a Domain Name?

Picking a domain might sound hard at first, but it is not when you use the simple metric that we created for you which assist you in the evaluating process and make the decision much easier. Below are things you need to consider when registering a domain name.


Keywords play an important role in a domain. Good keywords in the domain also assist in ranking higher in the search engine. But to get a good keyword name like is very hard to get these days without spending a hefty sum. But as new niche markets are coming out, the possibilities of keywords are increasing as well, so use your creativity and get a keyword in the domain.


In the quest for keywords sometimes we forget about our users and audience. Make sure your domain is catchy and easy to memorize so the user can come back to your website and not forget about it. Sometimes the most unrelated and catchy domains do best. Take Google for example. The word has nothing to do with a search engine, but now it dominates the web. So keep in mind about branding while registering the domain name.

Length, Hyphens, and More

The shorter the domain, the better it is because it is easy to memorize, but don’t just buy because of length. It wouldn’t be any use if you because that does not relate to your niche. You may use hyphens in your domain, but try to stay away from those as much as possible because as the domain gets bigger, the value of it goes down. You need to avoid double letters domain because you it increases your chances of losing traffic to typos. So domains such as you may want to avoid because it confuses the user.

Domain Extension

While we know that .com is the most popular extension for domains, don’t limit yourself to just that. Get the extension that suits your site the most. So if your blog is about an organization then get .org. If it is an informational site, getting a .info won’t hurt you either. But .com is a plus and mostly preferred because most of the users type .com without thinking about it.

Domain Registrars

There are hundreds of domain registrars on the web that are offering you domain registration and more. But like many other scams on the web, there are scam domain registrars that disappear every three months, and you get left hanging. Therefore we suggest you get a domain from one of these popular registrars that has been around and have earned a good reputation in the industry.
Dotster – One of the most reputable domain registrar in the industry. (Buy One Domain and Get one Free – Coupon: GetOneFree)
GoDaddy – One of the domain giants on the web. You can register your domains with them with full trust because we know they are not going anywhere.
Network Solutions – Another industry giant that offers reliable domain registration service.
Domainsite – One of the younger domain registrars but has a good support and the same options.

Tools to Register the Domain

With so many tools online it gets hard to choose between them. Some of them are completely useless, and some are actually very good. We have compiled a list of some of the most useful tools for domain registration.


Domainr is an innovative web tool that helps you explore other TLD’s that have made popular websites like and stand out from the crowd. Of course, searches will also include popular top-level domains that are available but it is a very creative tool that you can use to come up with ideas.

2. Nameboy

Nameboy is a popular domain name generator. It is very straightforward web tool. This asks for a “Primary Word” and “Secondary Word” that describe the topic of your website, and based on your input, it suggests possible domain names.

3. Domains Bot

Domains Bot
DomainsBot is a domain search engine that has an “Advanced” search feature so that you can conduct a more customized and refined search. For example, you can set the maximum domain character length to eliminate lengthy domain names from the results or exclude domain results that have a hyphen (-).

4. Dot-o-Mator

Dot-o-mator is a web tool that suggests site names based on prefixes and suffixes that you’ve entered (keywords). Alternatively, you can use a category of prefixes (like “Tech” or “Games”) and suffixes (like “Hardware” or “Web 2.0 words”) to generate suggested site names for you. It’s a helpful tool for, at the very least, obtaining inspiration for a site name.


It’s common practice to keep domain names as short as possible so that it can be quickly typed and also so that they’re easier to remember. specializes in helping you find 4-letter domain names to keep your URLs terse.

Start Your WordPress Blog Part : 3


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