One of the easiest ways to engage with your audience is to utilize social media networks. Not to state the obvious here, but social media networks are all about being “social”—interacting with people. And, it’s how many businesses are building their brand, earning the loyalty and trust of their audience, and gaining new customers.
It may be a relatively new marketing strategy, but it’s one that you need to spend some time investing in. (And, if you think you can do just as well as others and not do social media, no offense, you’re naively optimistic.)
Here’s why.
It’s where 75% of internet users spend time while online.
And, shockingly, it’s not just one or two demographics comprising that 75%.
Pew Research Internet Project did a study on social media networks. They found that 74% of online adults are social media users, and here is exactly what that statistic fleshes out to look like:
It doesn’t matter whether you’re male or female, what your age is, how much education you’ve received, or what your income level is. In every category, at least 49% use social media networks (74% being the average).
Are you sold? (If you aren’t, just hang on!)
Let’s look at some statistics about how specific social media networks perform for businesses.
Simply adding social media networks to your marketing strategy isn’t going to translate into a surplus of traffic, leads, and customers. Unfortunately, they’re not like a genie and a magic lamp where you state what you want and
poof!—there it is. (And they
certainly won’t save your crappy business.)
To see the best possible results from social media networks, you need to knowexactly where your buyer personas and target audience are spending their time. That’s the only way using social media is going to pay off for you.
To give you a head start on some of your research, here are some specifics about the audiences on the networks mentioned above.
32 Eye-Opening Social Media Network Stats & 1 Reason Not To Jump In